Saturday, 11 July 2009

A New Phase

Well its been yonks since I posted - I'm not very good at this keeping up with a blog thing!

On the plus side, I have now got my motorbike running, and I've been out on it quite a bit these last couple of weeks. There have been a few tatty mechanical bits on it it has appeared, but these are slowly being put right. For example, I have a swanky new air filter to fit tomorrow (the old one had a dirty great hole in it) and a new clutch cable (should solve the 'grabbiness' when pulling away). I'm getting the hang of twisty roads and cornering - I've done the Cat & Fiddle road, the Nantw Garth Pass (no idea if I spelled that right) and the Horse Shoe Pass all in the last week. As my confidence grows I'm enjoying it more and more.

You do have to be careful of car drivers (they don't seem to see anything more than a few centimetres beyond the end of their bonnet) but there are safe tips and tricks and I'll be reading Road Craft shortly to get to know these to be safe as possible.

All in all though, its been great, and I'd recommend that everybody in the world gets into riding as its really good brain and body exercise, relatively cheap (compared with a lot of sports you could do that give you the same level of excitement) and just brilliant fun. And you get an enormous sense of achievement from doing it. And the fellowship of other bikers. The list goes on.

See you on the road!!!